Chapter 6 Great Lakes

 The Great Lakes Chapter was founded in 1948


Next Meeting 


Sunday April 6, 2025

@ 1PM


Dearborn Masonic Lodge

907 Monroe St. Dearborn, MI

(Directions Here)


Our February Newsletter is available here 


Annually the Chapter holds three chapter meetings & marts,

one holiday/business meeting & mart, and a

regional in conjunction with other Michigan chapters.





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The Great Lakes Chapter History:

The Great Lakes Chapter was founded in 1949; it was one of the first Chapters that began sponsoring regionals.

The majority of Chapter members live in the tri-county metro area, but a number live in central and northern Michigan. Members have diverse horological interests.  The Chapter holds four Sunday afternoon meetings in the Metro Detroit area including a holiday meeting, plus an “All MI Meeting” in more south central Michigan (encouraging participation from members other MI chapters). Chapter meeting admission is $5.00 per couple.

The Chapter meetings give members the opportunity to get together and share their interest in horology, have a mini-mart, and offer workshops, presentations, demonstrations, videos, or Show and Tell.  Light refreshments are served.

After the chapter meeting, members usually enjoy an early dinner at a local restaurant.

Chapter dues are $5.00 per year for email newsletter or $10.00 for paper newsletter. The increased dues for paper newsletter cover the printing and mailing costs.  Newsletters are emailed or mailed out approximately 3 weeks before the upcoming Chapter meeting.

If anyone has questions about the chapter or its meeting, please feel free to contact:

Ray Fowler, Chapter President at 313-588-5858 – rThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Thomas Morris, Newsletter Editor at 734-282-1725 - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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